There is a whole range of other health issues that turning up the radio could be beneficial for, which is what makes music so valuable.
Once these issues are ironed out, though, the smart grid could provide the platform for a huge range of innovation and applications in energy, just as the Internet did in computing.
Seoul's Unification Ministry said Tuesday no official agenda has been set for the meeting. But it said a range of issues, including the family reunions, would be discussed.
Another reason for studying philosophy is that it provides a good way of learning to think more clearly about a wide range of issues.
The new exhibition showcases design solutions for a wide range of issues, from access to food and water to improving housing conditions.
The American Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice visits Moscow today for talks aimed at bridging a wide divide in a range of issues.
They are good entertainment, but they also provide "food for thought", allowing viewers to think about a range of issues and problems of everyday life and relationships.
The program requires Harvard undergraduates to take courses devised to prepare them for a broad range of issues in life after college.
He called it a model for future pacts because "it addresses a whole range of issues not covered by past agreements" like workers' and environmental rights.
The only issues left to tackle are how to identify a range of grades to generate for each assignment, and how many assignments of each type to generate.
The stable combustion over a wide load range is one of the key issues for HCCI combustion. In this paper, the diesel-fueled HCCI combustion was achieved.
WIPO's Symposium to Address Operational Deficiencies in Global IP Systems will set a precedent for a wide range of IP issues.
Abandoning oil painting in the mid-1990s, he turned to photography as a medium for the exploration of a wide range of cultural issues.
Abandoning oil painting in the mid-1990s, he turned to photography as a medium for the exploration of a wide range of cultural issues.