When you don't have control of scope - ask how something is useful, ask for an alternative solution, don't only look at lowest level, deliver complete features.
For an alternative solution, I could have created an invocation handler that looks more like the one from Listing 2, where the validation code is run directly in the invocation handler.
In this section, I'll walk you through an alternative solution to BeanSerializer for (DE) serializing complex types.
There might be inheritance or a decorator as an alternative solution for you.
Situation: Emily and David are discussing their plans for this year's Spring Break. Emily isn't happy with her friend's ideas, but David has an alternative solution.
Not an actual workaround, but an alternative solution that works well for me: use the us keyboard layout for programming.
If the communication network, and sometimes interrupted on certain routes, you need to find an alternative solution, which needs to find the shortest path for a rainy day a few.
As a quick, convenient and lossless method, remote sensing was gradually focused and has been used as an alternative and effective solution for monitoring environmental quality of farmlands.
As a quick, convenient and lossless method, remote sensing was gradually focused and has been used as an alternative and effective solution for monitoring environmental quality of farmlands.