First note that Tuple is a fancy name for an ordered list - once I looked this up it helped!
Then take the top 10 searches, create HTML for each search, and append them to an ordered list.
It should include a time-frame; an ordered list of tasks to complete; persons responsible for each task; a list of resources required including materials; facilities and funds.
It then iterates over the elements in the collection to retrieve the title, description, duration and user rating for each and formats this information as an ordered list.
Now, what happens if the index that would have been ideal for DB2 to use to avoid a data sort is not an ordered list, but rather random?
The values on the right define a filter chain - an ordered, comma delimited list of Servlet filters to execute for the given path.
Listing 2 creates a subtree representing an ordered list, using the main HTML document as a factory for creating nodes.
Listing 2 creates a subtree representing an ordered list, using the main HTML document as a factory for creating nodes.