For business experience, Samson Charlie, is the most important ", ".
On-the-job experience, better equipment, more effective business practices, and many other factors will also be critical for success.
Based on our experience, we believe that an accepted and formalized governance model is key for successfully achieving business objectives.
His experience of it is limited to spending a year working for Business International, a consultancy firm subsequently bought by The Economist Group.
Subsequent iterations build on the experience you gain, allowing you to support a broader and broader set of scenarios for the business application.
The move was meant to help Microsoft stay ahead of Sony, its chief rival in the electronic games business, in delivering the richest online experience for game players.
When staffing a project or putting together a plan for bringing resources together, experience and expertise in technical or business areas are often at the top of the list.
However, with HTML 5 and CSS 3, the graphical experience might be good enough for most business applications.
At the same time, experience has shown that a series of short, incremental projects delivering specific business objectives is the most manageable and successful approach for developing an SOA.
Freshly minted entrepreneurs are typically major risks for lenders because they lack business experience, collateral to secure the loan or both.
For now, advice from the business community is to embrace the unappealing prospect of unpaid or low-paid work, as a means of gaining experience that will be valuable later.
Manual business requirements: Evaluating indemnity risk for a life insurance company might be subjective based on the experience of the underwriter.
Shanghai now is the place where people flock to for business, vacation and to gain an "experience".
Maybe you'll get to experience a real white Christmas! Are you going there for business?
It's written for software architects and business analysts who have a basic understanding of XML and Web services and who have advanced skills and experience.
Michael (Sencha Touch): Be very very careful about the user experience - even for business applications.
Michael (Sencha Touch):对于用户体验要非常小心——商业应用更应如此。
Now we are excited to integrate more closely to make the TripIt experience even better for our mutual customers, and to extend our service more broadly iwithin the Orbitz for Business client base.
现在,我们非常高兴能够与Orbitzfor Business合作为共同的客户提供更好的TripIt服务体验,并在Orbitz for Business客户群中扩大我们的服务。
Meanwhile, there's steady demand for IT professionals with experience using vendor-specific BI tools from companies such as Business Objects and Cognos, says Spencer Lee.
同时,对于在BussinessObjects和Congnos公司待过的有面向供应商的商业智能工具使用经验的IT专业人才的需求也很稳定,Spencer Lee说。
Some 43%, according to one poll, consider experience of running a business (ie, Ms Whitman) more useful for the governor's job, whereas 44% value experience of running government (Mr Brown).
Because interfaces already exist for the main business objects and services in many frameworks, you've likely had experience with swapping in and out different implementations of such interfaces.
For example, you can attach corresponding user-experience storyboards, class diagrams of participating entities, related business rules, and so on, as appendices to your use-case specifications.
Bankruptcy is an occupational hazard for entrepreneurs; even those with plenty of business experience under their belts fail much more often than they succeed.
Her idea for female personal protection arose from brutal experience. She was mugged twice while on business trips.
Lynn's extensive experience in the industry will be a great addition to our team as we aim to be a one-stop shop for all of a middle market business 'financial needs.
Look for a developer with proven experience helping business understand what the technical staff needs to interpret requirements properly.
This is a simple read-only interface that provides an extremely flexible and business-user friendly browsing experience for glossary content.
The zoo's Institute for Conservation Research has experience preserving, and breeding from, amphibian skin cells. It is, however, a tricky business.
The zoo's Institute for Conservation Research has experience preserving, and breeding from, amphibian skin cells. It is, however, a tricky business.