A fee is charged for each year of study and is payable at enrolment.
One doctor for each year I might live.
How many holidays do you close for each year?
It has 56 steps, one for each year of Lincoln's life.
Her goal: to slay 21 Yankees, one for each year of her beau's life.
When was your beast at its least? Give it a score for each year that applies.
For each year, on October 1st, I have recorded the full year's stats for each player.
Six words — one for each year of her life — that speak to me of harmony, courage, undemanding love.
It also showed that, for each year spent in education, there was an 11% decreased risk of developing dementia.
One couple I know gives their child a weekly allowance of nine dollars, one dollar for each year of his age.
我认识的一对夫妻给他们的孩子一个星期九美元的零花钱。 数字跟孩子的年龄一样,一岁一美元。
These estimates have been made for each year 2006–2015 for 7 regions that collectively include 172 countries.
A worker employed in work that is arduous or harmful to health, shall have the right to 30 days paid leave for each year of work.
The university also provides students with 100 school-wide in-course awards for each year of undergraduate study, for a total of 300.
Banks often lack a thorough understanding of how many branches they can apply for each year and how concurrent applications will be treated.
Per patient treated, there is considerable variation in budgets for first-line drugs, in total NTP budgets and in total costs for each year 2002-2005.
对于治疗的每一患者,在用于第一线药物的预算、国家结核控制规划总预算以及2002- 2005年各年费用总额方面存在很大差别。
So with this approach, you have to manually create a directory for each year in which there are blog entries, with a Default.aspx page in the directory.
因此,要使用这种方法,必须手动创建一个用于每年的目录(其中包含blog条目),并且目录中具有一个Default .aspx页面。
If you have a directory for each year and each month of history, CD shuffle allows you to jump around from one year to another. See how it works in Listing 19.
Mr Zapatero refuses "to cheapen the firing" of the two-thirds of the workforce on permanent contracts, who must be paid 45 days for each year of service if they are laid off.
Each person bowed before the ruler, his gold went onto one hip, his silver went onto another hip, and in this way he paid his income tax for the year.
Each year two teachers are seconded to industry for six months.
Year by year their affection for each other grew stronger.
When his cows calve each year he keeps one or two calves for his family.
They sweat in a strange kitchen, take care of a bossy mother-in-law and see their husbands only for a few weeks each year.
Legislation and court decisions have made it legally possible in most states for parents to educate their children at home and each year more people take advantage of that opportunity.
When we examine expenditures for research, we find that of the more than $35 billion spent each year in this country, almost two-thirds is spent by the federal government.
The school administration has decided to make it mandatory for each student to volunteer at least 40 hours per year.
The school administration has decided to make it mandatory for each student to volunteer at least 40 hours per year.