There are many different causes for high blood pressure.
The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure.
And surely you can come up with a better term for high blood pressure than "hypertension"?
Cherish each day, do not be afraid, do not swagger, salt, eat a lot of quest for high blood pressure!
RESULTS Sum and daily cost of drug consumption for high blood pressure assumed an increasing tendency.
Older, cheaper drugs for high blood pressure may work just as well as, or better than, new and expensive ones.
The undercover police officers told residents they were screening for high blood pressure and handed out pills.
As part of the underwriting process for insurance, each prospective policyholder is tested for high blood pressure.
Risk factors for high blood pressure, diabetes and no risk factors comparison, infarction significantly higher risk.
Few studies of the risk for high blood pressure have looked at marital quality rather than just marital status, she said.
Calcium channel blockers used for high blood pressure and medications used to treat arthritis may affect fertility potential.
If you go to the doctor to get your blood work for cholesterol, for high blood pressure. Why not start including HIV and STDs?
A scientific statement from the American Heart Association Professional Education Committee of the Council for High Blood Pressure Research.
And this is why the American Academy of Pediatrics and federal health officials recommend that doctors routinely screen children for high blood pressure.
The same is true for dozens of other crucial medicines, including the popular allergy medicine prednisone; metformin, for diabetes; and amlodipine, for high blood pressure.
These chemicals clash with nitrates millions of men around the world take in prescribed drugs for high blood pressure and heart disease, and often lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Viagra was originally developed as a treatment for high blood pressure and the heart condition angina, but men who took part in early trials realised the drug had an interesting side effect.
The average was 18 percent lower activity than before the dose of cocoa, fully comparable to the effect of drugs that inhibit ACE and are used as a first-choice treatment for high blood pressure.
As part of his requirements, he also evaluated his team's care for high blood pressure, surveying patients and auditing their charts to check if they had taken a recommended kidney-function test.
"I said, how ridiculous is that - they've got to be taking something," said Mr. Rice, who takes Zocor for high cholesterol and hydrochlorothiazide for high blood pressure, neither of which is banned.
Seniors and those with high blood pressure should aim for even less — 1,500 milligrams.
Seniors and those with high blood pressure should aim for even less — 1, 500 milligrams.
If you have too much fat - especially if a lot of it is at your waist - you're at higher risk for such health problems as high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and diabetes.
For those suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease, garlic should become their best friend. Garlic can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
I'm taking medication for diabetes, arthritis, cholesterol, and high blood pressure. Can Chinese medicine help me with my many conditions? Where can I find the help I need?
All had at least one risk factor for heart disease. These include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes or being severely overweight.
Despite this, his blood pressure was high (for which he took two medicines), and so was his cholesterol.
Despite this, his blood pressure was high (for which he took two medicines), and so was his cholesterol.