We cooperate with law enforcement agencies in identifying those who may be using our servers or Services for illegal activities.
In the Marvel Universe, Roxxon is a notorious conglomerate known for illegal activities, agents of which were responsible of the death of Stark's parents.
No entity or individual may use the license contract for illegal activities or for impairing the public interests and the legitimate rights and interests of the consumers.
Whoever accepts bribes for illegal activities and thus commits other crimes shall be punished in accordance with the provisions regarding the combined punishment for several crimes.
Whoever misappropriates public funds for illegal activities and commits other crimes shall be punished in accordance with the provisions regarding the combined punishment for several crimes.
Breaking into computers or computer networks and using them as a cover for serious illegal activities is a common activity, so common that many people have the skills necessary to do it.
But what do you do if a system has been compromised and used for illegal or unauthorized activities?
China to strengthen punishment for illegal forex activities.
Responsibility of compensation for spiritual damage including four factors: illegal activities, facts of spiritual damage, relation between causes and effects and subjective negligence.
It also liaises regularly with Mainland and overseas law enforcement agencies for exchange of intelligence to prevent and neutralise illegal activities.
For too long, these illegal activities have been perceived as "business as usual."
Are procedures in place for reporting and neutralizing unauthorized entry into containers or container storage areas or other anomalies or illegal activities, i. e. seals are removed while transit?
Illegal business activities are called 'rackets', for example, protection rackets.
Is it really so hard for a wrongdoer to wash his hands of illegal activities?
Once the landlord tenant may still engage in illegal activities, then they may refuse to rent housing, and the need for timely report to the relevant departments.
Police in China as citizens guards loyal through cracking down on illegal and criminal activities and create a stable social security environment for the progress of society.
Article 1 These Measures are enacted for the purpose of punishing illegal banking activities, maintaining banking order, and preventing banking risks.
The Monash Chinese Incountry Program will not be liable for any illegal activities of cip participants while in China.
The two groups say illegal activities are to blame for the loss of more than sixteen-thousand square kilometers of forest each year.
两个小组说,这些非法行为导致了每年有一万六千平方千米的森林带损失, 这些行为应该受到谴责。
Are procedures in place for notifying Customs and other law enforcement agencies in cases where anomalies or illegal activities are detected, or suspected, by the company? If so, please describe.
Even some sites for national ban on the web, with their conduct illegal pyramid selling activities.
Relevant departments for administrative supervision shall impose supervision on tender and bid activities according to law and investigate into and deal with any illegal act therein.
Article 29. Financial institutions engaging in the derivatives business without approval shall be penalised by the CBRC in accordance with the Penalties for Illegal Financial Activities.
Article 29. Financial institutions engaging in the derivatives business without approval shall be penalised by the CBRC in accordance with the Penalties for Illegal Financial Activities.