Lady Meng Jiang waited for her husband day and night.
Give the lady a day off and you can do the housework and make some delicious food for her.
Though Anna Jarvis never married and never had kids, she is also known as the mother of mothers Day, an apt title for the lady who worked hard to bestow honor on all mothers.
I fell into conversation with a lady the other day, a stranger, as I often do. We chatted for about ten minutes, laughing and friendly.
My lady friend arrived home late on day four, none the wiser, thanking me again and again for looking after her beloved cats.
In the end, though, the desire for change proved overwhelming, and on election day Britons voted in near record Numbers for the Tories and their fighting lady.
Mother Teresa rose every day at 4.40am for mass. Lady Gaga "will take Christmas day off-and spend it with her parents-but otherwise she works non-stop."
I travel for a living and find that I call my lady three or four times a day.
Some people like to buy their lady chocolate on Valentines Day but I dont go in for that because chocolate makes you fat.
Essentially: dressing up like Florence Welchs cat-lady aunt after a day spent foraging for oyster mushrooms.
Grant offered herself as companion for the day to Lady Bertram in lieu of her son, and Dr. Grant was to join them at dinner.
I wish accommodation prepared for a young lady who may come here at any time to-day.
This Valentine's Day Set dinner costs RMB680 net per couple, including a rose for the lady, chocolates and two glasses of imported sparkling wine.
He kind of swaggers on over and he's, like, "Young lady, I have been waiting for you all day." so I looked up at him and I said, "I'm sorry, officer."
The inspector then asked the old lady to try to check what was missing by the next day and advised her not to stay alone in the flat for a few nights.
He kind of swaggers on over and he's, like, "Young lady, I have been waiting for you all day."
Yet a public-service advertisement on Chinese TV shows an elderly lady cooking all day. As she sets the table for dinner, the phone calls come one by one: "I can't make it."
The next day, the script writer and his assistant, a lady in a white shirt, were standing at the entrance (maybe waiting for someone).
The next day, the script writer and his assistant, a lady in a white shirt, were standing at the entrance (maybe waiting for someone).