The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival.
This restriction not only contributed to Great Britain's rise as Europe's foremost shipping nation but also laid the foundations for an American shipbuilding industry and merchant marine.
For instance in the Aerospace industry, one of the key multi-enterprise processes is the shipping and receiving of parts.
China Shipping Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo is showcasing some major improvements in the country's shipbuilding industry along with a new concept for the future - a floating farm ship.
The product was not needed in bulk until it was well-enough made to be used in the expanding shipping industry, and for cars and other manufactured goods that were used by consumers and industry.
The identification of carrier is a traditional issue for discussion in maritime law and gets attention from the shipping industry and law experts.
Based on revenue management, the container slot dynamic allocation problem for liner shipping industry is studied quantitatively under uncertainty.
The shipping industry, including shipbuilding, is one of the most important sectors for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.
This article attempts to "Shiting River plan" elements to be analyzed in order to initiate a view to consolidating and improving the standard of our plans for the shipping industry.
For example, in shipping industry TPL of container shipping is prosperous, jet it is hardly to hear something about TPL of dry bulk and it has just begin in foreign country.
Greece has been a seafaring nation for centuries, and Greece is very well known for its shipping industry.
Soybean industry groups from Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, Minnesota, Illinois and Indiana have launched Soy Transportation Coalition to fight for lower railroad shipping rates.
The products are suitable for main trades, such as engineering machinery, shipping industry, automobile, motorcycle, electric motor car, etc... Although the screw is small, the safe thing is great.
In the retail industry, for example, consumer data around something as simple as color can have massive implications around shipping, inventory and, ultimately, sales.
Article 30 for meeting the need of the shipping industry, MOTC shall undertake to set out seafarers' education and training plans and institutes for training seafarers.
Moreover NK supplies compressed air plants as well as air purification systems for working and control air applications used for shipping, offshore and onshore oil RIGS, power plants and industry.
This thesis USES the computable general equilibrium model (CGE for short) to simulate the entire operation of economy and the impact of shipping industry to national economy.
For others, like those in the shipping and fishing industry, lakefront property owners, and water-dependent animal species, it's a disaster in the making.
For others, like those in the shipping and fishing industry, lakefront property owners, and water-dependent animal species, it's a disaster in the making.