For this example, you will first create your own category, then you will associate the rule with that category.
The iPad is the first embodiment of an entirely new category, one that Jobs hopes will write the obituary for the computing paradigm that Apple itself helped develop.
With pureQuery’s query over collections, you can improve your application performance by reusing the first result set which contains all the products for the selected category.
而借助 pureQuery 的集合上的查询,则可以重用包含所选类别的所有产品的第一个结果集,从而提高应用程序的性能。
The first category includes original equipment manufacturers, such as automakers, who buy gauges to put in their cars, and users, which are companies that purchase products for their own consumption.
For example, I color items in the first category red, items in the second category orange, and those in the third category yellow.
A modification of the first version that accesses an EJB for its product-category information.
The first one of these that has a value will determine which locale data is loaded for the LC_CTYPE category.
其中第一个含值的环境变量将决定为 LC_CTYPE类别装入哪种语言环境数据。
Across the ring in the actors' category sits Leo DiCaprio, now an Oscar veteran with three nominations under his belt, looking for his first win.His film J.
For the first time, Nathan's will have a separate category for female eaters.
I have a Advanced search feature where in I first search for a key word and then I refine my search by selecting the different filters in a different category, these are multi-select check boxes.
Joe Petersburger, a National Geographic photographer based in Hungary, won the first prize in the Nature Singles category for this picture of a hunting kingfisher.
Early adopters have started sharing first-hand quality and performance feedback for the 3GS at twice the volume normally observed on a monthly basis for this product category.
This should be easy, because all available categories for external sources are listed in Pocket Outlook's category selection dialog after the first synchronization.
The first category includes the six kinds of tamed animals such as the ox, goat, horse, pig, dog and rooster, accounting for half of the zodiac animals.
The first thing you need to do, if you have discovered that you fall into the 'apple' shaped body category or have a high BMI is to go and see your doctor for a full medical examination.
The literature Sacrament Theory and its two main points are criticized and analysed by the author for the first time, meanwhile, the relevant theory, category and conception are also posed.
The thesis, so far for the first time, analyzes and summarizes the functions and values of water resources in ecological environment according to their system and category.
The article tries to utilize core competence theory in the category of regional cultural transmission for the first time.
A was amongst the first to obtain the design and manufacturing licenses for three-category pressure vessels from the Government in 1984.
Lau was also nominated in the same category for his work in Insanity. It was his second time crowned best actor after 16 nominations; the first time was for his work in My Name is Fame (2006).
The first product in this new category is NAS Recovery for XFS.
The second category covers a pet for ongoing conditions for the pet's lifetime so that if a condition is claimed for in the first year it will not be excluded in the second of subsequent years.
For all graph types except scatter, the first column to be imported is the series name, the second column contains the category, and the third column contains the data.
This paper first expounds the category and stylistic features of English for science and technology;
Bitcoin, then, is merely the first and, for the time being, the best-known example in a new category.
Luxury design in design arts category is proposed for the first time, to seek a general rules of design and performance;
The final result is the sum of the two stages and there are prizes for the first 10 racers for each category.
The First Prize in the Category of Clothing for the Contributions to Humanity was awarded to series works of Masters in the ThirdInternationalFolkCustoms FestivalExcellent;
The First Prize in the Category of Clothing for the Contributions to Humanity was awarded to series works of Masters in the ThirdInternationalFolkCustoms FestivalExcellent;