The first 6 months can be very important for the learning process.
Understanding and studying of the learning process is intended to provide support for the learning process and give active effect for a learner.
The learning rate is an important parameter for the learning process of a neural network (NN) which influents the stability and quickness of the NN.
For the learning process, a new kind of empirical risk function is proposed which is differentiable and can be minimized by gradient descent strategy.
As the basic unit of Neural Network, Neural Controllers with different learning rules will result in different control effects for the learning process of synaptic weights.
We need to "design for productive failure" by building it into the learning process.
Young people might benefit from early exposure to the Internet for they can start their learning process earlier and get ahead of the game before they start formal schooling.
Sargent's work showed how the public and banks adjusted to the change through a gradual learning process, explaining why it took a long time for inflation to come down.
New insights into the neurobiology of sleep dependent learning may make it possible for these people to take a medication that disrupts this process while leaving restorative elements of sleep intact.
目前神经生物学领域进行的睡眠对学习的作用的研究可能会给这些患者提供一些治疗药物。 这些药物将破坏完整睡眠中进行的记忆修复过程。
Learning to read and write can be helpful in the English language learning process, but it is not sufficient for learning to how to speak English.
In this article, we describe how we applied this DITA process model for learning to a case study course using content from an existing course on the IBM DB2 Query Monitor.
本文中,我们描述如何将这种学习DITA过程模型应用于一个示范课程,我们使用了现有的IBMDB 2QueryMonitor课程。
Many existing Python applications already written for the Maemo environment give additional insight and instruction to aid the learning process.
I can look back now and say this was an important learning process for us, but at the time, it was awful.
In this article, you focused less on learning about technical requirements for an initial SOA project and more on where to begin in the requirements gathering process.
For the first time, scientists have recreated the brain's learning process and can restore long-forgotten memories.
In any case, sitting quietly, observing and learning causes us considerably less suffering than the energy required for fight or flight and perhaps we will learn something valuable in the process.
No organizational learning – This happens when feedback from retrospectives is lost and not incorporated for improving the process.
Successful applicants for the assocation's volunteer management positions are given two full days' training, learning about health and safety, cash handling, the booking process and reception duties.
Learning to feel good is a step by step process. Shoot for a little better feeling using one of these tips, then repeat the process over and over.
The purpose of this chapter is to set the stage for learning about computer science and programming, a process that you will begin in earnest in Chapter 2.
In reworking the Query Monitor course, we applied the DITA process model adapted for learning, as follows.
Failure is a natural part of the learning process for anything we do.
The article series however should not be considered as an elaborate tutorial on learning every single aspect of using the WBI Modeler tool for Business Process Modeling.
Learning some tips and strategies for negotiating can help take the fear out of the process.
Learning some tips and strategies for negotiating can help take the fear out of the process.