No matter, there is still the underlying idea that we cannot have a life of our own without concern for the ecosystem in which we live, whether in majesty or not.
That may sound odd, but the fact is at the moment of the Big Bang, both matter and anti-matter were created for a short time, and I mean just a fraction of a second.
That may sound odd, but the fact is at the moment of the big bang, both matter and antimatter were created for a short time.
He thought that God was agape. For him, that was the basis of Christianity. But Eros thought of the matter what St.Augustine said is selfish.
We can love the look but, in an online environment, we cannot feel the quality of a texture, the shape of the fit, the fall of a fold or, for that matter, the weight of an earring.
The fact of the matter is that there's a whole range of interesting research out there and I think as the years go on, there's going to be much more for us to consider.
Or mold the bronze into anything else of value for that matter.
"We have to get to the real meat of the matter, and our cooperation will do that for us," she told her university audience.
The politically good news for Obama is that no matter what the outcome of the midterm elections, everything changes in January.
British officials say that the application of laws in and around the Falklands is a matter for the islanders, and that Britain has no doubt over their sovereignty.
Dark matter is an invisible form of matter that accounts for most of the Universe's mass.
He would have put it differently, called it ‘reaching the end of the line, ’ for example, because he didn’t like big words, or, for that matter, words.
The startups view of the chasm is that it does not matter, at least for now.
And although economists have long been divided on the theoretical importance of finance for growth, the balance of the evidence suggests that it does matter.
Its just the matter of the schedule, that is, if it is convenient for you right now.
I feel this way, not because I have done peer-reviewed research on the matter, but because of the hundreds that I have treated for their fetal life traumas.
For those of you not content with the warmth of regular slippers or moccasins or even shoes for that matter, here are some microwavable slippers that you might enjoy.
The fact of the matter is that Americans do sacrifice more for the greater good of the majority of people because the social context allows for it.
But finding microbes that are unusually clever at adapting to hostile environments tells us nothing about the origin of life on Earth - or anywhere else in the universe for that matter.
But finding microbes that are unusually clever at adapting to hostile environments tells us nothing about the origin of life on Earth — or anywhere else in the universe for that matter.
Now, one hopes to solve the puzzle a different way: using a modified version of Newton's second law that would eliminate the need for dark matter altogether.
Like philosophy, computing qua computing is worth teaching less for the subject matter itself and more for the habits of mind that studying it encourages.
How long can unpleasant microbes live on glossy magazine covers or, for that matter, the pages of a newspaper?
In the land of voodoo and witchcraft, legends and legendary disasters, it's no wonder New Orleans -and the state of Louisiana, for that matter -is rife with ghost tales.
The IOC later indicated events would be postponed for a matter of hours, rather than days, adding that China was fully aware of the problem.
As we have learned from the likes of Greece, Ireland, and the U.S. for that matter, politicians' denials of market rumors are typically anything but a sign of relief.
As we have learned from the likes of Greece, Ireland, and the U.S. for that matter, politicians' denials of market rumors are typically anything but a sign of relief.