The military portable ECG for triage is a kind of minitype monitoring equipment for life information for the purpose that the ambulanceman carry through first AIDS in frontline.
Translating public signs is the practice of conveying the information embodied in the source text for the purpose that the translated text exerts the same function as the source text.
I say this to you as someone who couldn't be standing here if it were not for the service of others, and wouldn't be standing here today if not for the purpose that service gave my own life.
What cultural elements are involved in an international advertisement is discussed for the purpose that the designers can create a successful advertisement from the angle of these cultural elements.
I firmly hold the view that living in another country for education purpose is advantageous for students who want to increase their language skills and experience different cultures.
He wanted to build institutions that would be used for the sole purpose of perfecting the slave into the perfect worker.
He wants to emphasize Hanson himself has a farm that specializes in grapes for the purpose of producing raisins.
It could be they were accidentally ingested as the sauropods foraged for food, that they served no real purpose.
If you could find such a thing, that would be the universal final good, or truly the ultimate purpose or goal for all human beings.
You will remember that the Bank of England once issued two notes of a million pounds each, to be used for a special purpose connected with some public transaction with a foreign country.
It can be predicted that admiring the scenery and alleviating pressure will still be the main purpose for people to arrange a traveling to other countries.
Therefore, it can be predicted that admiring the scenery and alleviating pressure will still be the main purpose for people to arrange a traveling to other countries.
The greatest problem in using intelligence tests for the purpose of prediction is that no dependable criterion of their accuracy exists.
Today, they arc once again a familiar sight, playing roles that are often just as important for the community as their original purpose.
In the peepshow format, a film was viewed through a small opening in a machine that was created for that purpose.
It is named according to the familiar construct it represents and is used to access that construct for the purpose of doing calculations.
This equipment looks antiquated and practically homemade for its particular purpose, but that is often the nature of lab equipment used for science.
That's the purpose of the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Energy that Chu started two years ago.
That is part of the purpose for the resurrection.
The main tool that CruiseControl provides for this purpose is the element.
But its purpose? For that we have to ask what is the purpose of thought.
This is unconvincing casuistry to those who see the purpose as simply lowering yields for countries that have lost the confidence of investors.
Behind them lay the idea that the ultimate purpose of companies is to add value for shareholders.
The noise is that which is interacting for the outside cause and effect purpose that doesn't necessarily benefit your life goals.
The problem is that vessels are often used not for the purpose intended.
To allure many from the herd — for that purpose have I come.
At least one company, Consumer Genetics, which sells the Pink or Blue test, requires customers to sign a waiver saying they are not using the test for that purpose.
When using it for the latter purpose, you'll need to search for frames that have better CPU and memory resources than the source systems.
Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.
Whom I have sent unto you for the same purpose, that ye might know our affairs, and that he might comfort your hearts.