Production of the foie gras pt involves force-feeding geese and ducks so that their livers swell.
So Mr Wardell is force-feeding them protein.
I hate the force-feeding approach to teaching.
These data suggested that the effect of force-feeding is different in different breeds and tissues.
A cybercrime investigator (Thompson) tracks a man (O'Lachlan) suspected of force-feeding women to death.
It is produced by a method called gravage, which is force-feeding of the animal of grain via a tube down the throat.
It was he who led the way to the global banking rescue in October 2008 by force-feeding weak Banks with extra capital.
The production of the pâté involves the force-feeding of ducks or geese, known in French as gavage, to create fatty livers.
These painful tests include force-feeding, injections, applying the product to the skin or dripping it into the eyes of the helpless animals.
Like Greece, Portugal has a competitiveness as well as a debt problem; eliminating the former without depreciating the currency involves force-feeding the population with gruel for many years.
Some fear that the cost of servicing the debts to the EU and IMF, and of feeding the insatiable maw of the Banks, will eventually force Ireland into a debt restructuring.
It's not a place where children are force-fed, in fact, staff at the clinic tell me they have had to resort to tube-feeding a child just once in the last two years.
Just force of habit from feeding a large family, I guess.
Influences of different radial and axial feeding speed on the radial and axial rolling force, growth rate of diameter and temperature have been systematically analyzed and proved by trials.
Making use of the rig general detecting laboratory to test the deferent maximal feeding force and drawing back force of drill rig, the validity of theoretic accounting value are analyzed in the paper.
An electric machine is arranged at the second side of the printing heads so as to supply driving force for the paper feeding roller and the cutting apparatus mechanism.
In accordance with the requirements of feeding system, the cutting force and the ball screw is calculated, and equipped with appropriate gear and feed motor.
Linying county is a typical agricultural area with plenty surplus labor force, it is an ideal feeding area.
Linying county is a typical agricultural area with plenty surplus labor force, it is an ideal feeding area.