He had campaigned for the country to host the event, but the death of his great-grandchild on the eve of the tournament's opening forced him to cancel his planned appearance.
According to local legend, Mr. Pettazzi installed detachable pillars, and at the station's opening, he pulled out a pistol and forced the builder to remove the supports.
But the strength of the won has forced it to raise prices, and Chung Mong-koo's legal troubles have delayed the opening of new plants in America and Europe.
Shortly before the opening last month, the Leopold Museum said that it had received so many complaints that it had been forced to take action.
Several mechanisms such as forced stripper, sequenced opening, delayed goring of the sliding core are applied in the design.
Organisers of the French open Golf were forced to suspend play in Thursday's opening round with more than half the field still to tee Off.
The helical cuts and ribs forced the bolt head to rotate on opening and closing stroke of the bolt, thus unlocking and locking it to the receiver.
Anything he writes is going to be forced, compelled - and with his forced fingers rude he violates the formal prosodic, the metrical, scheme of his elegy at its very opening.
The forced convection was produced by the flow of the liquid through the central opening in the bottom of the internal crucible.
Last Week, two officials cut off power to a hotel after they were not invited to its opening party and forced managers to drink spirits before they would turn the electricity back on.
A forced-closing-and-opening plunger pump is developed to solve the problems of gas lock and sand inflow and low pump efficiency in steam injection Wells.
The row forced the postponement of the opening games in Spain's top two divisions last weekend.
On ChiNext's opening day, share prices on the SZSE grew so quickly that regulators were forced to suspend trading, fearing dangerous inflation of stock.
On ChiNext's opening day, share prices on the SZSE grew so quickly that regulators were forced to suspend trading, fearing dangerous inflation of stock.