Keynes was equally surprised and forced to put his two favorite Impressionist paintings up for sale.
Minority shareholders forced Carrefour to abandon the property sale in June, but Dia was sold this month.
GM has been forced to put its European operations up for sale amid looming bankruptcy proceedings.
There are now fears that Dubai might be forced into a fire sale of assets, which would push asset values down further.
Thanks in part to lower unemployment rates than America, British homeowners are not being forced to offload their houses at fire-sale prices.
Similar fears had led to the forced sale of Bear Stearns in March.
The best argument in Mr. Brown's favor is that a forced fire sale would be even worse.
Prior to the new accounting rulings, which are known as FAS 115-2 and FAS 124- 2, financial firms were forced to regularly assign market prices to securities they hold for eventual sale.
实行FAS 115-2和FAS 124- 2会计新规前,金融机构强制要求经常对待售债券按市值重新定价。
But consumers' fears about price rises forced him to set aside the sale of electricity, gas and water companies.
There is no reason for a forced sale, says a DBAG source: that would weaken DBAG's influence.
Ms Mayer was forced to change course on the Alibaba sale following pressure from several activist investors.
However, the court forced sale of the private nature of the legal system or whether the law on the punishment, directly affect the legal effect of the auction.
We were forced to carry over the sale to the Monday after the national holiday.
If a buyer misses too many payments, a lender may try to reclaim the house through a forced sale.
If such a forced sale occurs, Citi faces the probability of complete share price collapse.
Brown's favor is that a forced fire sale would be even worse.
You must understand that with many brands of the same commodities competing for sale in our countries your goods are forced not only to have value but also to be seen to give value .
You must understand that with many brands of the same commodities competing for sale in our countries your goods are forced not only to have value but also to be seen to give value .