One of its remarkable models is the Ford Taurus.
The Lincoln MKS and Ford Taurus, built in the same Chicago factory, share a mechanical foundation and many amenities.
Symptomatic of this was the Ford Taurus, once America’s bestselling car. By early 2000 it had been reduced to a little-loved rental vehicle.
There's also an online alt-reality game called "Chasing the Shadow" in which the player is an FBI agent whose assignment involves "driving" a Ford Taurus.
Previously, says Mr Fields, Ford used to talk about simply being “competitive”: hence a Ford Taurus would claim to compete with Toyota’s best-selling Camry.
Ford will soon introduce an update of its Taurus sedan, as well as some new small cars.
Riding on strong sales of the Fiesta and a redesigned Taurus, Ford turned in its best annual profit since 1999 last year.
Once at Ford, he revived the Taurus — one of the manufacturer’s leading sellers — which lead to the company’s first profitable quarter in two years.
Ford will soon introduce an update of its Taurus sedan, as well as some new small cars. A new line of fuel-efficient engines will also be available.
But Ford executives claim that despite the fact this is a bigger, more comfortable Taurus, it is a car that will be more about its owner than anyone else.
But Ford executives claim that despite the fact this is a bigger, more comfortable Taurus, it is a car that will be more about its owner than anyone else.