Between 2000 and 2008, the ratio of foreign debt to GDP dropped from 37% to 20% in Latin America and from 28% to 17% in emerging Asia, but jumped from 45% to 51% in central and eastern Europe.
Turkey may also be heading for trouble. Its debt-service payments due in 2009 amount to 80% of its foreign reserves, the highest ratio of any big emerging economy.
The IMF reckons that Portugal's net international debt (what residents owe to foreigners, less the foreign assets they own) was 96% of GDP in 2008, an even higher ratio than Greece's (see chart 3).
The structure of foreign debt is far from reasonable, the ratio for short-term foreign debt is still high, the whole economy is fragile to the shock of hot money so on and so forth.
We have falling tax rates, a low debt-to-GDP ratio, one of the most welcoming environments for foreign investment in the world and the resources necessary to meet China's ever-growing needs.
We have falling tax rates, a low debt-to-GDP ratio, one of the most welcoming environments for foreign investment in the world and the resources necessary to meet China's ever-growing needs.