Understanding these foreign-key definitions is key to understanding the mapping of EJB relationships.
Here we see that the mapping for Customer's Address field links the two halves of the relationship together with the foreign key reference in the table schema file.
In mapping terms, PERSON is the owner of the relation (i.e., the foreign key to the ADDRESS table resides in the PERSON table).
To create the correct mapping, the tool has to know that ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID is a foreign key.
要创建正确的映射,映射工具必须知道 ACCOUNT_ACCOUNTID 是个外键。
The <many-to-many> tag's column attribute specifies the foreign key column in the link table that relates the link table to the mapping table for the target class.
The column attribute specifies the column in the mapping table for the owning class that is used as the foreign key to the target class.
colum n属性指定当前类的映射表与目标类用作外键的列。
Remember that when foreign-key-column-on-source is not used, you will need to find the reverse mapping yourself.
请记住,当foreign - key - column - on - source没有使用时,您需要自己寻找逆向映射。
Remember that when foreign-key-column-on-source is not used, you will need to find the reverse mapping yourself.
请记住,当foreign - key - column - on - source没有使用时,您需要自己寻找逆向映射。