I forget doing homework this morning.
Often, he would forget my name and ask me who I was and what I was doing in his house.
Forget about what you used to do, or what you think you should do and perhaps start the day off doing something you actually want to do. Something that makes you feel good.
Unfortunatly this makes us forget what reality is bringing over and we are actually doing “Eating” we forget the textures, the flavours and the smells and just mindlesslly munch the food down.
That's it! Drop whatever you're doing right now. Call in sick. Skip class. Forget your colleagues.
Checklists: When planning any big task, make a checklist so you don't forget the steps while in the busy middle part of doing it.
And don't forget to check what competing sites in the same niche are doing, and test the same elements on your site!
In a fast-paced society it's easy to forget things like what you believe in and what you're doing this (whatever this may be) for.
Our job is to do whatever it takes to achieve success, and we can get so wrapped up in what we're doing that we forget to think like an investor.
A: It was hard in the beginning, but now I'm doing very well. Sometimes I forget that I am sick.
Forget about counting to 10. Count to 1, 000 before doing something or saying anything that could make matters worse.
It is easy to "forget" this rule, especially when reading — but doing so creates numerous risks for the thread-safety of your program.
When you are busy with a project, concentrate on doing that project and forget about everything else you have to do.
In doing so, they forget that the life of a man has as much bearing on his work as his own thoughts on it.
The farther away your daydreams take you, in both distance and time, the study found, the more you'll forget about what you're doing right now.
Next - and this the part too many people forget about - comes the doing.
Yet, in doing so, they forget the West’s history.
I have some people that say I am not doing this well, oh, forget it. No, keep going.
Well, he didn't forget you. Every time I saw him he'd ask how you were doing.
Did you ever forget why you are doing something?
And you'll forget why you're doing this.
By doing this, they hope to make people forget that someone is trying to sell them something!
"If they had asked me, I would have suggested to forget even doing this experiment as the animals were too old to show any effect," said Austad.
Before doing homework, do not forget to clean your desks.
Doing this means you don't pay attention to your food, forget how full you are, and often eat too much.
After a day and night of running without stopping or sleeping, competitors sometimes forget who they are and what they are doing.
If everyone is doing good, then no body will forget, and no one will care forgotten.
If everyone is doing good, then no body will forget, and no one will care forgotten.