Technology of Software Development Based on Formal Methods;
A protocol testing theory is presented based on formal methods.
Are we saying that it is not worth using formal methods in anti-virus technologies?
Formal methods of teaching are going out fast, and new ones are coming in all the time.
Such formal methods may help us sharpen our logic, but we almost never apply them in the real world.
Formal methods of review are simply impractical to implement for 100% of your code (or any percent, some would argue).
Structured methodology, object oriented methodology and formal methods are different software development methods.
It is an efficient way to implement automation of software by applying formal methods to object-oriented technology.
The upper bounds of the length of the test sequences generated by the above five formal methods are presented separately.
In many ways, using these formal methods imposes much of the discipline (and limitations) you find in traditional OOP languages.
Some have short sections on validation and verification, but those simply point either to IEEE standards or other formal methods.
Formal methods have become a kind of important methods to ensure the validity and consistence in the development of the software.
A dialogue centric cognitive control architecture is presented, which utilizes both agent-oriented programming and formal methods.
The thesis is focused on the access control model for workflow systems and the security analysis of workflow systems by formal methods.
Bmethod is one of the formal methods, which supports the whole process of software development from the specification to code generation.
So we express the AOP using UML and formal methods, and establish the Aspect-Oriented Software Design Model correspondingly to model real-time systems.
While testing is still currently the most widely used validation technique in the software industry, formal methods are regarded a new promising approach.
Using formal method to analyze security protocol is a valid method to the analysis of security protocols. In recent years, a lot of formal methods appeared.
The fundamental basis of our observation is that: the formal methods designed for optimizing compilers assume that the compiler and the programmer are Allies.
Rigorous Modeling is a core technology in embedded realtime system design and the combination of UML and formal methods would provide a better tool support to it.
The formal methods based on Construct Category Algebra can use the same axiom semantics and operation semantics to specify the data-flow and control flow of a protocol;
B method is one of the most popular formal methods at present, which supports the whole lifecycle of software development process, from specification to code generation.
Since formal methods can be used to model and analyze concurrent systems, it is natural to consider applying formal methods for the modeling and development of Web Service.
Design of a protocol is a difficult and error-prone task, thus the use of formal methods that allow for the verification of such protocols has received increasing attention.
Some researchers introduced formal methods for analyzing cryptographic protocols, and achieved many significant results by building formal models and automatic verifying tools.
We certainly have not given up on formal methods, but we realize that they are still quite difficult to understand, require specialized knowledge, and do not have great tool support.
Optimistic approach and game-theoretic foundations that deal with composition are the prominent characteristics of interface automata and are distinct from other formal methods.
Formal methods for protocol analysis ware put forward based on changing the security problem into a mathematical problem, which we can rigorously prove it instead of judging by intuition.
Formal methods for protocol analysis ware put forward based on changing the security problem into a mathematical problem, which we can rigorously prove it instead of judging by intuition.