For instance, he founded logic as a formal science and created foundations to biology that were not superseded for two millennia.
It is easy for many people, even for people without formal computer science education, to write PHP scripts.
A science thesis is a formal, archived, irreplaceable document which takes a major partof a scientist’s work.
Although there is no formal relationship with state and local academies of science, there often is informal dialogue.
Due to lack of formal education with relative science, so the phenomenon is not tested by the theory and experience. And also, he failed to public a series papers including kinds of themes.
Formal language is an important research area in computer science.
The formal circle here refers to modern science has helped people to develop the study of meaning, so that the people's thinking consciousness has changed essentially.
Permanent positions are scarce, science survival is rarely part of formal graduate training, and a good mentor is hard to find.
Concerning all the topics of natural science, it is much more formal and dignified. It seldom USES literal decoration such as exaggeration and figure of speech.
An article on the Chinese device was published in the prestigious journal Science, and the U. S. researchers are preparing a formal letter to the journal in response.
An article on the Chinese device was published in the prestigious journal Science, and the U. S. researchers are preparing a formal letter to the journal in response.