There is no group of commanders sitting patiently in a tent awaiting a delegation under a white flag offering a formal surrender.
We were sitting in her hotel suite the day after her Jerusalem gaffe, the Secretary in an electric-blue shift rather than her usual formal jacket and pants.
Formal meditation, prayer or even just sitting with your eyes closed for a few minutes can bring about relaxation and a sense of inner peace.
You're dressed in formal business clothing, sitting across from a stranger.
In the IBM study, team after successful team "apologized" for not following a formal process, for not using a high-tech CASE tool, for "merely" sitting close to each other and discussing as they went.
You're dressed in formal business clothing, sitting across from a stranger.
Prof Mai-Lis Hellenius, from Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, said : "In many countries formal exercise may be increasing, but at the same time people spend more time sitting."
Before sitting down to a formal meal, gentlemen stand behind their chairs until the women are seated.
The front entry opens to this bright sitting room that features four skylights and opens up to the courtyard and fountain and formal garden oasis.
The front entry opens to this bright sitting room that features four skylights and opens up to the courtyard and fountain and formal garden oasis.