It also has a "compare" feature which makes for a great formative assessment tool for teachers looking to measure change over time in a student product.
April is miniascape formative optimal time Duan Zhi one.
ASK John Chambers, the boss of Cisco, about the formative experience of his business life and he mentions his time at Wang Laboratories.
They may be created by multiple creators, exist in multiple versions and exist in formative stages for varying periods of time.
This paper analyses the formative condition for oasis in the Qaidam Basin and carries out the oasis regionalization at first time in the Qaidam Basin.
The dynamic helix refers to one or more formative propertis changing helix in a unit time.
Most of children's free time, especially during the early formative years, should be spent in activities such as playing, reading, exploring nature, learning about music or participating in sports.
Most of children's free time, especially during the early formative years, should be spent in activities such as playing, reading, exploring nature, learning about music or participating in sports.