He would place his former aides in positions of influence.
Today McCain lambastes the whole idea as “cap and tax, ” to the dismay of former aides.
His wife, son, daughter-in-law and several former aides have also been jailed. See article.
Mr Roh may have accepted at least $6m and numerous gifts through family members and former aides.
One of his former aides now claims Edwards had always known he was the father of his mistress's child.
The Californian will be a powerful influence—his committee oversees health-care as well as much else, and one of his former aides has just been chosen by Barack Obama to liaise with Congress.
Lee said prosecutors had based their determination partly on information they collected from the two former aides' notebooks, diaries and cellphones, which contained instructions from Park.
To protect against such enemies gaining too much power, he has handpicked former aides and staff officers to serve in key positions, and will only hand power over to his most trusted allies.
Published reports quote aides as saying one of Mr. Obama's first actions will be to name former U. S. Senator George Mitchell as his Middle East envoy.
Published reports quote aides as saying one of Mr. Obama's first actions will be to name former U. S. Senator George Mitchell as his Middle East envoy.