It will send you standard forms to fill out.
Once there, he was handed a mountain of forms to fill out.
Can I get one of those customs and immigration forms to fill out?
This may be items such as forms to fill out and documents to proofread.
At the dentist's office for oral surgery, I was handed a couple of forms to fill out.
She never found anything, but there was always a thick pile of forms to fill out at the end of each visit, accounting for every penny.
Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property.
If your forms aren't correct, however, then you'll have to obtain help, perhaps from a registrar, to fill them out correctly.
In forms, it's a good idea to include examples that will help the user fill out information. This includes showing examples of user names, email addresses, etc.
But the best part is this: When you use LEI activities, you fill out forms (no need to write script!) in the LEI administration database.
To some, forms may be confusing. The purpose of certain objects and inputs may be unclear to users, so suggestions and examples certainly should be included to help users fill them out.
The same principles apply anywhere users must fill out a series of interrelated forms to complete a multistep process.
If your tax returns are simple and you know enough about finances and tax laws to fill out the right forms, send in the right documents and keep your own records, doing your taxes isn't a big deal.
But it does not matter if you have the most beautiful website on earth if nobody can fill out forms, order products, or click on the links to get to the next page.
In this case, the scenario format makes it possible to create scenarios and walk through those scenarios to fill out the appropriate forms.
When the bottom has fallen out of people's lives, they try to fill it with various forms of addiction.
Scandinavians and Finns, by contrast, can travel to 173 countries or territories (out of a possible 223) without the need to fill in forms with curious questions dreamt up by bureaucrats.
We found out that 54% of the forms required the user to fill at most 5 input fields (in 6% of the cases registration wasn't required at all to start using the service).
After Dr. Healey conveyed the gravity of mysituation, a nurse came in to have me fill out some forms.
你可以想象的到,这个噩耗给我们带来了巨大的打击。 希利医生向我们传达了我病情的严重性之后,护士进来叫我填一些表格。
Besides, as users know, mortgage application forms often take less time and trouble to fill out than Facebook's privacy Settings.
Jones advocates specific training for receptionists and support staff to help people fill out registration forms and his practice offers longer, more flexible appointments if needed.
I'm going to ask you to fill out some forms" "but first, to get ready for this experiment, " I'd like you to get on this treadmill and run for ten minutes."
OK, Id like you to fill out a couple forms for me. I need some additional information... about his insurance.
OK, I'd like you to fill out a couple forms for me. I need some additional information... about his insurance.
Arrive at least 10 minutes before your interview. The extra minutes will also give time to fill out any forms or applications that might be required.
You have to get a birth certificate and other personal papers and fill out a bunch of complicated forms and have an interview.
You have to get a birth certificate and other personal papers and fill out a bunch of complicated forms and have an interview.