As in a real community, Forum Users including Forum Moderators are asked to respect other Forum Users and their rights.
After the first warning, any Forum Moderators who also repeatedly failed to observe any provisions herein may have their moderator rights revoked by the OFASC Board of Trustees.
However, the framework has remained open source and continues to benefit from a large group of community supporters who contribute user extensions and donate their time as forum moderators.
I'm surprised to see that the moderators of Kaspersky China forum don't read English.
Although the administrators and moderators of Computer Technology forum will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages.
Each forum has several moderators, contact them when you feel there is something wrong.
Its content does not represent the views and the position of HD Lossless Music Forum and the moderators liable for any legal responsibility for its content.
Thank you for your reminder. I'm surprised to see that the moderators of Kaspersky China forum don't read English.
Forum Status - a dropdown list box that will allow you to lock or unlock a forum. A locked forum may not be posted to except by moderators and administrators.
No raunchy topics and offensive threads will be allowed. EN580 will not accept personal attacks against other Forum Members or Moderators or their businesses.
First of all, to the End of the World Forum administrators and moderators who say hello.
First of all, to the End of the World Forum administrators and moderators who say hello.