The children were waiting for placement in a foster care home.
Mr. Foster romped home with 141 votes.
We also visited a foster home run by a pastor who worked for Rev. Chun.
"It was like coming home," she said, after Mr. Foster had gone to do chores and the conversation had moved up the hill to her cottage.
"Even if it's a quality foster home, they feel they don't belong there."
Li was desperately homesick after she moved to the foster home, but worse was to come.
The foster home provides them with decent conditions, an education and hope for a better life.
Last year, they sent him back to the village to attend junior high school, and he moved into the foster home.
Their 13-year-old son, Yu Jun, lives in a foster home in a remote valley in Anhui.
Everything outside our home became secondary, including a sweet old man named Henry Foster.
But the family was condemned to legal hell: the police at first put the seven-year-old into a foster home and a judge ruled that he could go home only if his father moved out.
Most remarkably, Ms Hobbs achieved her feat in a foster home, not a west London Victorian terrace.
Now the Tao consciousness is extending into earth and into each species to help foster the return journey "home".
From foster care, to a broken home, to military service, to two Tours of duty in the Middle East, initiative and resilience have steered me to where I am today.
Or do we need new rules to foster growth and make our country the world's most attractive home for the business of big data?
He has lived in a foster home, been part of a street gang and jumped through a number of jobs.
Margaret was put into her first foster home when she was two, moved over to Jason's when she reached four.
Usual m. l. foster in home to her aunt, family very indifference, in school without a friend, the classmate are not willing to close to have not smile her.
I gingerly the little gecko home, the former would like it to foster care in the vial yard.
And we should foster an outlook on the environment that champions mutual support and coordinated progress, and make joint efforts to preserve planet Earth, our common home.
Physically abused by his stepfather as a child and placed in a foster home, Gardner's woes did not leave him even as he grew up to marry and be a father.
As an effective way to foster learner autonomy, "learner training" has long been a hot issue in the field of linguistics both at home and abroad.
Therefore, in the home should be to foster the children's self-care ability.
Therefore, in the home should be to foster the children's self-care ability.