When the switchgear has been properly assembled, fasten the panels to the foundation frame by welding or by using adequate bolts.
Solid wood was used to the foundation frame finishing let all the spatial administrative levels could be fluctuate, to stretch the vision.
The switchgear is preferably to be erected on a foundation frame set into the switch room floor. The guideline structural data listed below facilitate a rough calculation of the space required.
This text generation theoretical frame based on text structure model and text sense model gives a method foundation for deep research of computer text generating.
Bamboo frame connected with the foundation and concrete beams with metal pipes, iron pins makes the structure stable.
Precast concrete frame and foundation guarantee predetermined stability and accuracy.
These brief summary has shown a simple frame of the theory in this respect, prepare the theoretical foundation for expansion studying.
It is effective to use finite element method in monolithic analysis of an elastic foundation with the frame on it.
In this paper, the vibration characteristics of frame foundation for steam turbine-generator set are performed by model modal test method.
The preface is an overall discussion of necessity and significance of topic, category and methods of research to build the frame and the foundation of the whole dissertation.
In this paper, the vibration characteristics of frame foundation for steam turbine generator set is performed by model modal test method.
The teachers college vocal music teaching should be fixed on the teaching purpose, foundation, emotion, frame system etc. to suit the demand of teaching.
The result will lay the foundation to further study vibration, fatigue, noise of dump truck and for the frame of reference for design optimization.
The Cooperation based on solid economic foundation provides strong complementarities to one another under CEPA frame.
The non-uniformity settlement of ground foundation is harmful to the building, specially to the masonry structure and the concrete frame structure.
Capacity spectrum method was adopted to perform nonlinear static seismic response analysis for highrise frame structures with grouped pile foundation resting on natural foundation soils.
The software about the frame design, apply the stiffening bar method and elastic foundation method to account the endogen.
The construction methods and technologies provide experience for reference concerning the foundation construction in water and large-span continuous rigid frame bridge's construction.
No matter which way to choose, switchgear foundation is recommended to use pre-processed frame base.
In this paper the internal force calculation method of flat slab foundation under frame in earthquake area is introduced.
Remove the ability on stopping foundation to have clearer sequence of thought and frame to knowledge in familiar dynasty replace and time only.
Numerical results show that the designs in the examples of turbine engine frame foundation is very good.
The inclining building, if it is a frame construction adopting with a pile foundation, can use the technique of chopping pile to rectifying deviation.
The third chapter sets up the frame model on the foundation of analyzing the evaluation index system of regional circular economy, and makes a demonstration based on Fujian Province.
Precast concrete frame and foundation guarantee predetermined stability and accuracy.
A parameters identification method of the layer soil-foundation-frame interaction system is presented.
Besides, a method is given for calculating the interaction of frame _box _ foundation _ soil following bar mechanics in this paper.
Frame type foundation is a main structural form for centrifugal compressor. Mostly, the dynamic calculation on this type foundation is carried out with finite freedom degree system.
Frame type foundation is a main structural form for centrifugal compressor. Mostly, the dynamic calculation on this type foundation is carried out with finite freedom degree system.