The PWM control strategy with 3-th harmonic in addition is presented for four-leg three-phase inverter, the inverter can deal with unbalanced load and has a high utilization of dc bus voltage.
Three-phase four-leg inverter is used in the inverter link to improve the adaptability of the system because loads in distributed generator are uncertain.
The neutral voltage of the three-phase four-leg inverter employed in UPS is desired to be very low.
A discrete and nonlinear mathematical model of three-phase four-leg inverter is built up with the switch state functions based on the analysis of its working modes.
This paper presents a decoupled control scheme for three?phase four?leg inverter through an inner current regulator based on space vector cascaded with an outer synchronous frame PI controller.
This paper presents a decoupled control scheme for three?phase four?leg inverter through an inner current regulator based on space vector cascaded with an outer synchronous frame PI controller.