It is suggested that oil recovery can be improved in fractured buried hill reservoirs by building underground gas storage while injecting gas.
Wumishan reservoir, Renqiu oil field, is the largest fractured buried hill reservoir in China, so far discovered. After 21 years of development, it is now in its later development stage.
The fractured hydrocarbon reservoir of Chegu 20 buried hill is featured in its complicated pore space pattern, strong heterogeneity, and complex fluid property.
Fractured reservoir is an important reservoir type in Shengli oil province, mainly including buried hill reservoir, igneous reservoir and lake carbonate reservoir.
The Archaeozoic reservoir of Chengbei-30 is a fractured buried-hill oil pool. The fractures are major reservoir space and fluid course.
The Archaeozoic reservoir of Chengbei-30 is a fractured buried-hill oil pool. The fractures are major reservoir space and fluid course.