Each stack frame holds a pointer to the previous stack frame (called the back chain pointer), as well as a space for return addresses for when it calls other functions.
In these two frames, you continue building the dependency chain that started at frame 2 (by choosing Create from the previous frame).
The final item in the stack frame is a pointer to the previous stack frame, often called the back pointer.
堆栈帧中的最后一个条目是一个指向前一堆栈帧的指针,通常被称为后向指针(back pointer)。
A frame can inherit content from a previous or an earlier frame.
Select the Create from the previous frame option in the blank frame.
Pops off the current local reference frame, frees all the local references, and returns a local reference in the previous local reference frame for the given result object.
As for tracking, vectors between the last interested objects in previous frame and moving objects in current frame are established to follow the present interested objects.
As for tracking, vectors between the last interested objects in previous frame and moving objects in current frame are established to follow the present interested objects.