Kozue Ando of Japan (top) embraces Yuki Nagasato after winning the penalty shoot-out on July 17, 2011, in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
2011年7月17日,在德国法兰克福体育中心,当赢得了决胜点球之后,日本的Kozue Ando(上)和YukiNagasato 相拥。
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Germany fans celebrate during the match against Nigeria at a public viewing event on June 30, 2011 in Frankfurt am Main.
Kozue Ando of Japan (top) embraces Yuki Nagasato after winning the penalty shoot-out on July 17, 2011 in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
2011年7月17日,在德国法兰克福体育中心,当日本队赢得了最后一记点球之后,Kozue Ando(上)和YukiNagasato相拥而泣。
In Germany a senior detective specialising in cybercrime in Frankfurt am Main, Birgit Roth, says that Internet harassment is present in some 40% of stalking cases that her force investigates.
"As a general rule, you're allowed to copy for your own personal use, but not for commercial use," explains Thomas Lapp, a lawyer from Frankfurt am Main who specializes in information technology.
“一般来说,你可以拷贝供你个人使用,而不是供商业使用,”来自Frankfurt am Main的Thomas Lapp解释说,他是一位擅长信息技术的律师。
"As a general rule, you're allowed to copy for your own personal use, but not for commercial use," explains Thomas Lapp, a lawyer from Frankfurt am Main who specializes in information technology.
“一般来说,你可以拷贝供你个人使用,而不是供商业使用,”来自Frankfurt am Main的Thomas Lapp解释说,他是一位擅长信息技术的律师。