On June 6th it unanimously threw out a lower court's decision that restricted the ability of investors to bring a "fraud on the market" lawsuit against Halliburton, an oil-services firm.
While I don't think it is likely that management embezzled the cash, I also don't see that they have benefited from the fraud on the market caused by inflated stock prices due to inflated earnings.
The third part is to introduce the theories and practices of presumption, while mainly focusing on the theories of reliance presumption and fraud-on-the-market.
The most memorable recent "Wolf" is Jordan Belfort, convicted on charges of stock fraud in connection to his boiler room penny stock operation and stock market manipulation.
Fraud occurs when the transit cigarettes do not arrive AT their declared destinATion, but are sold without taxes on the black market.
Without civil compensation mechanism in the security market, investors are faced with great obstacles when they claim on compensation to accounting fraud.
Prior to the release on the market, "anyone offering top 2009 Bordeaux is a fraud."
Prior to the release on the market, "anyone offering top 2009 Bordeaux is a fraud."