Green feminine care products also trumpet the fact that they're "chlorine-free," which may not be such a useful designation.
Sodium hypochlorite solution has been prepared by chlorine and sodium hydroxide, the content of free alkali should be controlled at about 10.8%, and the effective chlorine at about 8.0%.
When it breaks this bond, that chlorine atom, a free chlorine atom comes down and reacts, this is ozone, with the ozone in the upper atmosphere.
The membrane has resistance to oxidation medium or free chlorine.
More effective adsorption of free chlorine, phenol, sulfur, oil, resin, pesticide residues and other organic pollutants, chlorine, dechlorination half the value, and the recycling of organic solvents.
HPLC's newsprint product is based on the most environmentally-friendly concept, with100% recycled fibre and chlorine-free bleaching.
The chlorine atom is then free to react with an ozone molecule, taking one of the oxygen atoms to form chlorine monoxide.
After comparison of analysis methods of free chlorine and active chlorine, it confirmed the influences on analysis results from nitrite ion.
Low viscosity, make easy de-greasing after tapping. Chlorine-free.
In addition, temperature fluctuations should be minimized to avoid condensation on the parts, and atmospheres should be free of chlorine and sulfur bearing compounds.
Interfering substances include free chlorine and some strong oxidizing agents.
Temperature had little influence on the disinfection effects of monochloramine, while it influenced significantly on free chlorine and chlorine dioxide.
Leaves neoprene articles free of organic residue, Chlorine and salt deposits.
Elemental chlorine-free bleaching of Eucalyptus prehydrolysis kraft pulp was studied and results were compared with minimum chlorine bleaching.
Hydrogen peroxide is an important chlorine free bleaching agent, which is widely used in the bleaching of pulp.
As chlorine is a leading cause of fatigue, showering in filtered, chlorine-free water results in higher energy levels and overall greater health.
Mill will use completely chlorine free bleaching (TCF).
The effect of various functional finishes such as anti-chlorine, softening, wrinkle free, water and oil repellent agent in nano size on chlorine colorfastness of light color fabrics was also studied.
The residual gaseous iron chlorides are condensed and chlorine-free titanium tetrachloride may be recovered from the remaining gases.
INTECH COOLANT al 18 is a chlorine-free high performance, semi synthetic water-soluble metalworking fluid, specially designed for Aluminium manufacturing.
INTECH COOLANTAL18是一种不含氯的高性能半合成水溶性切削液,特别为铝及铝合金的切削加工而设计。
INTECH COOLANT al 18 is a chlorine-free high performance, semi synthetic water-soluble metalworking fluid, specially designed for Aluminium manufacturing.
INTECH COOLANTAL18是一种不含氯的高性能半合成水溶性切削液,特别为铝及铝合金的切削加工而设计。