This paper studies economy analysis index system of burning blended coal of fire resistant coal from Viet Nam and free-burning coal from Tashan of China or Indonesia on 600 MW super critical unit.
研究了600 MW超临界机组掺烧越南无烟煤等极难燃煤种和塔山煤、印尼煤等极易燃煤种的经济性分析指标体系,给出了一套较为简单的、适合现场评估的经济分析指标。
This paper studies economy analysis index system of burning blended coal of fire resistant coal from Viet Nam and free-burning coal from Tashan of China or Indonesia on 600 MW super critical unit.
研究了600 MW超临界机组掺烧越南无烟煤等极难燃煤种和塔山煤、印尼煤等极易燃煤种的经济性分析指标体系,给出了一套较为简单的、适合现场评估的经济分析指标。