Only large restaurants and bars were obliged to provide a smoke-free area.
A quiet, distraction-free area.
Manufacture the control case and operation case for Xi An aerodrome in WaiGaoQiao duty-free area.
grouping, the Schengen passport-free area and the seven-country Prüm group that is pursuing police exchanges and border co-operation.
In order to most effectively exploit the metal detector's sensitivity, maintain a metal-free area around the detector coil approximately equal to 1.5 to 2 times the coil diameter.
A terminal shall be so designed that it cannot be inadvertently pushed onto a pipe or fitting of the same nominal size in such a manner that the terminal outlet free area is restricted.
What you'll need: a small ball, about the size of a soccer ball; a bath towel; a chair on wheels, like a desk chair; a furniture-free area; some of your favorite dance music; a tall glass of water!
Museum's special exhibition area will now be free of charge.
Radiocarbon dating of fossils taken from caves on islands along southeastern Alaska's coast suggest that at least a portion of the area was remaining ice-free during the last ice age.
There are free software projects in just about any area of programming.
Find an area that interests you and get involved with an existing community. There are free software projects in just about any area of programming.
SGI has a free LUNCH area where you can download free software, computer games, graphics, and video.
This area was chosen specifically because it was (1) the only area free of previous MWRI interventions and (2) an area in which farmers' complaints about late delivery of water were significant.
One area that people might feel good about is free trade.
That is in our free delivery area, so there'll be no extra charge for delivery.
But as the days passed, guests said the atmosphere became relaxed and at times, festive with restaurants in the area offering free food and drinks.
An Agile trainer in the Boston area is offering free training in Test Driven Development.
Over the past 18 months the possibility of national defaults has shattered the idea that all euro-area debt is equally risk-free in a particularly damaging way.
We also allow any family and friends who are in our area to stay at our home for free.
Wipe off any streaks using a clean area of the lint-free rag.
But the row could hinder its attempt to be granted visa-free travel within the Schengen area of 25 European countries.
Italy retorted that France was violating the rules of Europe's passport-free Schengen area.
A year ago Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia gained visa-free access to the EU's 25-country Schengen area.
Maintain a "mulch-free" area around the perimeter of the home that it is at least 12" wide and comprised of rock or gravel.
Daylight flooded the cargo area as the steel door broke free.
The European Commission said that countries inside the European Union's passport-free Schengen area should be allowed temporarily to reimpose border checks when faced with large Numbers of migrants.
The European Commission said that countries inside the European Union's passport-free Schengen area should be allowed temporarily to reimpose border checks when faced with large Numbers of migrants.