A free electron laser with electromagnetic pumping wave is studied.
The tunability of millimeter wave free electron laser was observed.
This property have an effect on performance of the free electron laser.
The operation of a free electron laser can be explained without reference to quantum mechanics.
The free electron laser with a linearly polarized wiggler and axial guide field hag been studied.
The stationary pulse solutions for a free electron laser are obtained by using the classical theory.
A method for direct measuring the frequency of a free electron laser using AC Josephson effect is presented.
The effects of undulator phase errors on the Free Electron Laser small signal gain is analyzed and discussed.
A design of an over-all experiment of Raman free electron laser with an optical klystron configuration is put forward.
To obtain high average current electron beams for high average power Free Electron Laser (FEL), a DC-SC photocathode injector is designed.
为获得用于高平均功率自由电子激光(FEL)的高平均流强电子束,设计了一种新型的DC- SC光阴极注入器,并对其进行了优化设计和束流动力学研究。
Presented in this paper are the results of experimental study on the magnetic-field-immersed foilless diode of a Raman free electron laser.
It is reported that a novel small-period wiggler was developed. The experiments of a Raman free electron laser at 3 mm wavelength are presented.
According to this principle, a miniature, inexpensive and effective free electron laser at high frequency may be designed. It is feasible in technology.
The gain and efficiency improvement of free electron laser by an optical klystron configuration has been studied by one dimensional single-particle model.
Influence of untrapped electrons on the sideband instability of electromagnetic Wig-gler free electron laser(EM-FEL)is analyzed in detail with single-particle theory.
The Shanghai Free Electron Laser (SFEL) user facility currently under construction at Shanghai institute of Nuclear Research is a broadband free electron laser (FEL) facility.
Dynamic study on sideband instability in a planar free electron laser has been conducted, and the method dealing with sideband instabilities in planar and free electron lasers are presented.
In the high efficiency and small signal region, we investigate theoretically the efficiency enhancement mechanism of far infrared free electron laser (FIR-FEL) with a reverse tapering waveguide.
在高效率和低电流小信号范围内,理论地分析了用反向渐变波导提高远红外波导自由电子激光器(FIR - FEL)效率的机理。
The output frequency of ICL is obtained from the resonance condition, and the comparison is carrying out among ICL, Cyclotron Auto resonance Maser (CARM) and conventional Free Electron Laser (FEL).
The three-magnet bending system is suitable for linac beam deflection of free-electron-laser facility.
Systematic measurements of a go out radiation signal from our Raman free-electron laser indicated a good agreement between experimental data and theoretical calculations.
A coaxial hybrid wiggler free-electron laser (FEL) amplifier with and without plasma filling is studied by a method of PIC simulation in this paper.
The classical behavior of a free electron in a strong laser plasma is discussed by solving the generally-covariant equation of motion for an electron.
The wave function of free electron in a strong laser plasma is obtained by solving exactly the Dirac equation in a curved space-time with optical metric for the laser plasma.
The effect of electron interaction on gain of a free-electron laser pumped with a helical magnetic field is formulated.
This energy meter has been used in detective system of Raman free-electron laser. We successfully measured the typical parameters of the output millimeter wave laser pulse.
The controlling of optical field chaos in a storage ring free-electron laser oscillator is discussed by using a phenomenal model.
When the laser field is diminshed to zero, the wave function is naturally reduced to relativistic wave function of free electron.
The development of a broadly tunable excimer laser source by exploiting bound-free transitions of electron beam-pumped diatomic and triatomic are gas halides is described.
Effects of a uniform magnetic field superposing a space-period magnetic field on the gain of the free-electron laser were analysed and calculations were carried out.