It appears that unlike salt, dissolved organic substances are not excluded from the ice in the freezing process.
The second one is how to start the first step of the denuclearization process, including implementing nuclear freezing and corresponding measures to be taken by other parties.
The GumBuster process USES less water than power cleaning and is more effective than freezing, says Mule.
However, not all embryos survive the freezing and thawing process, and the live birth rate is lower with cryopreserved embryo transfer.
The freezing process adds an extra level of security in the event of undercooked meat.
They have found applications in almost all the process industries for everything from roasting chocolate beans to freezing vegetables, recovering acetone to solidifying radioactive waste.
In the Weddell Sea Antarctica, the densest water in the oceans is formed as a result of this freezing process, which increases the salinity of cold water.
It will been discussed that the influence of increasing the pressure of cooling medium on the weight loss in the process of cooling and freezing of food.
The freezing process may destroy donor cells and decrease the size of the graft.
Freezing process of water droplet on a cold surface is investigated in this paper.
Coffee extract is dehydrated by freezing and sublimation process, preserving the characteristics of natural coffee.
It had remarkable advantages to use the new reversible heat exchanger freezing method process for large air separation devices.
This article introduced the effects of ultra high pressure on color, texture, oxidation of lipid, freezing process and thawing process of meat when meat was treated by ultra high pressure.
The freezing process must take this change in conditions into account.
The authors however express their views on the technology of the three dimensional photoelastic test, such as material manufacturing cutting process, freezing and sectioning.
The effects of ultra-high pressure treatment on color, texture, oxidation of lipid, freezing and thawing process of meats were introduced in this paper.
The article introduced the research on the thermal and physical properties of food during the freezing process.
This paper expounds the test results of the freezing Process of sea water, the excessive cold temperature of sea water, the frozen water temperature, sea water frost heaving force and the tube strain.
The thesis is mainly on the research and analysis of the freezing process in the saturated porous media and solute distribution in that process.
The fluidized bed freezers are widely used for foods freezing process.
A computational heat transfer model to describe the freezing process of continuous casting slab is developed.
The Freezing Unit and the Decolouring Unit are introduced into the process to control the color grade of the BA solution and the quality of the product.
We believe that they can reduce them by 90 per cent by undertaking this freezing process.
This article mainly reviewed researches on heat-transfer modeling during ultrahigh pressure processing, freezing and thawing process under ultrahigh pressure and low temperature.
These data may chisel the well project for the deep alluvium freezing process the design to provide the reference.
Therefore, reducing energy consumption of quick freezing process and reduction of process cost is the important research subject of quick freezing plant in the future.
Realizes fasti safe, economical, the high quality coal mine freezing process drills a well, is the present new turn coal mine well chamber construction pursue goal.
The central weather forecast, the next two days, freezing rain turf evidently decreased 5, the freezing rain process will basically end.
This paper describes using the Runge-Kutta method to carry on numerical calculation about mixed convection heat transfer, and analyses the result combining with the process of food freezing.
This paper describes using the Runge-Kutta method to carry on numerical calculation about mixed convection heat transfer, and analyses the result combining with the process of food freezing.