This in turn helped to produce last year's Anglo-French defence agreement.
Britain CARES about its military prowess, as the brouhaha over this week's Anglo-French defence accord suggests (see article).
Another likely casualty would be the budding Anglo-French defence treaty, seen by both countries as a way to help themselves continue to punch above their weight.
Sofradir, a French remote-sensing defence contractor, plans to start making a "multichannel" missile-detection system later this year.
He adds that east Europeans, keen on NATO's security umbrella, will never trust joint European defence as long as they have lingering suspicions that it is a French scheme to weaken NATO.
But in fact the EEC grew out of two other events: the French National Assembly's rejection of the proposed European Defence Community in 1954 and the Suez crisis of 1956.
But in fact the EEC grew out of two other events: the French National Assembly's rejection of the proposed European Defence Community in 1954 and the Suez crisis of 1956.