ABSTRACT: Global Prosecco sales may now outstrip Champagne, but the French sparkling wine stands to benefit from its rival's success if it positions itself carefully.
ABSTRACT: The world has turned upside down when the finest bullfighter in the world is French and the highest selling sparkling wine in the world (over 200 million bottles) is Spanish.
摘要: 假如有一天,世界上最强壮的斗牛士来自法国,世界上最畅销的起泡酒来自西班牙,你会不会感觉这世道黑白颠倒?
A historical region and former province of northeast France. It was incorporated into the French royal domain in 34. The sparkling wine champagne was first produced here c. 700.
A historical region and former province of northeast France. It was incorporated into the French royal domain in 34. The sparkling wine champagne was first produced here c. 700.