This article sum up the principle of frequency display in HP8559A spectrum analyzer. And introduce a design to improve frequency accuracy of measurement by using Single-chip-computer.
本文介绍了H P 8559A频谱分析仪频率测量显示电路的基本工作原理,同时阐述了怎样使用单片机对该型号频谱仪实施改造以改善其频率测量准确度。
This article sum up the principle of frequency display in HP8559A spectrum analyzer. And introduce a design to improve frequency accuracy of measurement by using Single-chip-computer.
本文介绍了H P 8559A频谱分析仪频率测量显示电路的基本工作原理,同时阐述了怎样使用单片机对该型号频谱仪实施改造以改善其频率测量准确度。