The key problems when designing a raster ruler data acquisition card were pulses frequency multiplication and counting.
The industrial grating signals can be digital frequency multiplication with a phase-locked loop (PLL) controlled by a microcomputer.
A new method of detecting compensating reference current for active power filters by frequency multiplication modulation (FMM) is presented in this paper.
The paper presents a new type of loop, which USES first-order or second-order steady-state zero-error systems for locking, frequency multiplication and tracking.
Aiming at the existing problem in harmonics measurement of power system, the paper (presented) a collecting method based on frequency multiplication phase-locked.
Using PLL synthesis technology such as frequency multiplication and frequency division, may obtain the multi-frequencies, the high stable oscillator signal output.
An L-shaped band elimination filter on the T-shaped joint part is also used for restricting the resonance of the frequency multiplication of the first resonance frequency.
Use a binary digital shifter replace the traditional divider in ADPLL, make the structure simple and keeps the loop gain constant when the frequency multiplication factor changes.
The utility model discloses a clock synchronized frequency multiplication circuit, in particular relating to clock synchronized frequency multiplication circuit in circuit design and PLC design.
本实用新型公开一种时钟同步倍频电路,尤其涉及电路设计和可编程逻 辑器件设计中时钟倍频电路。
The utility model discloses a clock synchronized frequency multiplication circuit, in particular relating to clock synchronized frequency multiplication circuit in circuit design and PLC design.
本实用新型公开一种时钟同步倍频电路,尤其涉及电路设计和可编程逻 辑器件设计中时钟倍频电路。