Due to the quantization of electromagnetic fields there is an upper frequency limit in the spectrum of any finite energy transmitted by an electromagnetic system.
The upper frequency limit and some factors affecting noise output power of microwave solid state noise diodes are discussed.
According to wave motion theory, finite element mesh size satisfying the needs of engineering calculating precision is relevant to the upper limit of frequency range of random (response) problems.
An upper gain limit (UGL) as a function of frequency is then determined based on an inverse of the global transfer function (g).
A preemption control model based on time slice is therefore proposed to assign every task on upper limit of preemptable frequency.
Meanwhile, there is an upper limit existing in frequency and the peak power of response will be greatly diminished only when the frequency exceeds its critical value.
Meanwhile, there is an upper limit existing in frequency and the peak power of response will be greatly diminished only when the frequency exceeds its critical value.