And if we know the lattice vibrational frequency.
Every molecule gives off its own unique vibrational frequency in response to the kick from the short pulse.
The Crystalline is not merely minerals, rather it is the vibration of perfect ordering, it is the frequency of perfection, and in vibrational terms what you refer to as Impeccability.
The crystals work by manipulating phonons, or vibrational waves that can carry either sound or heat depending on the frequency.
这些晶体通过对声子进行操控来工作;声子是一种振动波,可以携带声音或热量,具体携带什么则取决于其频率的高低【 译者注:声子是晶体点阵振动能的量子 】。
And if we were standing in your physical shoes, we would not adjust our vibrational frequency down—ever.
The physical instincts will remain because you are still inhabiting bodies that are designed to function in this vibrational frequency.
In order to help someone who's in a very different vibrational frequency, you've got to adjust your vibrational frequency so that they can hear you.
By choosing better-feeling thoughts and by speaking more of what you do want and less of what you do not want, you will gently tune yourself to the vibrational frequency of your Broader Perspective.
The electromagnetic vibrational machine which has function of automatic frequency follow-up and stable amplitude was studied.
Through the hearing of our words in your relaxed state of allowing, you will allow the gentle tuning of your Vibrational frequency to match the frequency of your Source.
The major point of the text is to show how frequency responsefunction (FRF) measurements are related to the structure's mode shapes and vibrational frequencies.
Changes of IR group vibrational frequency in the blends of diethyl silicone and sebacate were studied in this paper.
The relations of the vibrational frequency, the ground state energy, and the mean number of phonons of the strong-coupling bound magnetopolaron in a quantum dot with the temperature are derived.
The equilibrium states and the transition state have been verified according to the number of imaginary frequency through vibrational analysis.
Raman processes involve light interacting with the vibrational excitations of molecules making up the medium; as a result, the photons of light lose or gain energy, which changes their frequency.
The ground state energy, the vibrational frequency and the mean number of optical phonons are expressed as a function of the confinement strength of quantum wire and the Coulomb bound potential.
The ground state binding energy is increasing function of the electron-phonon coupling strength, whereas the vibrational frequency is decreasing function of the aspect ratio of the ellipsoid.
This wave is designed to awaken those not yet awakened as well as pushing more into the 5th Dimensional vibrational frequency.
The electrolysis controlling system for the vibrational frequency of the foil is a host-subordinate system consisted of one host PC and 12 subordinator PCs.
The vibrational modes and spectrum are very different if the free boundary condition is adopted, and the spectrum is divided into low, medium and high frequency branches.
The molecular geometry and the fundamental vibrational frequency are insensitive to the computation conditions, while the total energy and bond energy are pretty sensitive.
The noise and vibrational signals collected will be data-processed and the frequency spectrum will be analyzed through the actual measurement of the noise from LGA fan.
Also an approach formula for frequency calculation is obtained by taking the quasi-vibrational mode as a generalized coordinate and by virtue of the Hamilton's principle.
Numerical calculations are performed and the results show that the vibrational frequency and the mean number of optical phonons will increase with increasing the Coulomb bound potential.
Numerical calculations are performed and the results show that the vibrational frequency and the mean number of optical phonons will increase with increasing the Coulomb bound potential.