The formulas of the frictional coefficient has been deduced based on experiments.
Low frictional coefficient giving extremely low wear with otherwise unaltered mechanical properties.
The results indicated that it has high lubricity, its frictional coefficient is only about 1% of normal Foley catheter.
The frictional coefficient decreased from 0.19894 to 0.18121. SEM indicated that the crystal morphology was changed by REC.
Frictional coefficient increases quickly in the initial stage, decreases with the increasing of load until one steady count at last.
The method of increasing frictional coefficient is properly used to predict the frictional force of designed path of later horizontal wells.
Tested the frictional coefficient of natural coloured cotton fibers, get that the frictional coefficient of natural coloured cotton is small.
Experimental testing is used to measure the dynamic frictional coefficient of the brake-tile on the working condition of simulated promotion.
Modified factor of frictional coefficient of different sections of designed path of one field or area is obtained by statistical computing and analysis of more Wells.
How to measure the frictional coefficient between sheet blank and die quantificationally by experiments is still a problem for the research work on sheet metal forming.
The frictional force remains constant, dependent on the friction, the kinetic friction coefficient, is always the same...
And so that means that the frictional force is a maximum value possible, N which is the static friction coefficient times N, and therefore that is mu of s mgcos And when will that happen?
The variation of fouling resistance and frictional resistance coefficient of heat exchanger using connate Yangtze River water as cooling water is tested experimentally.
The standard value of ventilation resistance and coefficient of frictional resistance is very significant to the ventilation management of the mine as the basic data.
The model of laminar flow in tubes in rolling motion is established. The dimensionless correlation of velocity is derived, and the correlation of frictional resistance coefficient is also obtained.
Since if the frictional resistance coefficient is a function of relative roughness, then the form resistance coefficient is independent of the Reynolds number.
Since if the frictional resistance coefficient is a function of relative roughness, then the form resistance coefficient is independent of the Reynolds number.