Only in the first half of the year of 2005, the number of tourists across Friendship Pass was more than 300, 000 and Pingxiang Port was the largest contributor to the border tourism income of Guangxi.
But I did not dream that that interview would be the door through which I should pass from darkness into light, from isolation to friendship, companionship, knowledge, love.
It is a good custom to pass on the Kombucha mushroom to other people as a sign of friendship and mutual helpfulness.
Thus, from there we saw the start of the pass of the Olympic flame, which stands for the bright, union, peace and friendship.
Hold the torch and kindle it. Let everyone express one's own dream of peace, let's pass on friendship to all corners of this world.
Fortunately, those moments pass and are replaced with the love and friendship that is the foundation of the relationship.
The breeze lightly strokes, the white clouds far pass, in my heart was the eternal friendship, willing my blessing is the most freshest, and you will take it to your heart!
No matter the size of gifts, and use crystal will pass on the friendship between different conditions.
No matter the size of gifts, and use crystal will pass on the friendship between different conditions.