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But it's not the only way. Listing 9 shows another way to configure the FrogMan class.
If you don't ask Guice to create FrogMan, the annotation has no effect on the code's behavior.
You have to help Frogman to collect all the jewels and COINS, and to find the way home, ashore.
All three versions of FrogMan exhibit the same behavior: Guice injects the appropriate Vehicle when they're constructed.
If you think Guice's decision to access private methods seems intrusive, wait until you see Listing 10, in which FrogMan USES field injection.
This means Guice will find WeaselGirl and FrogMan from its list of bindings without you needing to construct them manually within the provider method.
The one who took the dishpan, of course, "replied the Frogman, and hearing this all the Yips nodded their heads gravely and said to one another".
To avoid this problem, you can create an interface (for example, Vehicle) and have your FrogMan class accept the Vehicle as a constructor argument, as in Listing 3.
To avoid this problem, you can create an interface (for example, Vehicle) and have your FrogMan class accept the Vehicle as a constructor argument, as in Listing 3.