You see, I know him from of old.
The zen influences more tremendous to China from of old.
You, o Lord, are our Father, our Redeemer from of old is Your name.
Factories were spreading outwards from the old heart of the town.
Can a new party rise from the ashes of the old one?
This is a resurrection of an old story from the mid-70s.
I used one of the old swords I had taken from the ship to cut down the corn when it was ready.
GE is promoting the smart grid with ads that show a scarecrow singing "If I only had a brain" from "The Wizard of Oz" while bouncing along an old power line.
The chapter "Old Alice's History" brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers.
The chapter "Old Aice's History" brilliantly dramatizes the situation of that early generation of workers brought from the villages and the countryside to the urban industrial centers.
The unnamed woman from the province of Shandong started to have coughing problems when she was 7 or 8 years old.
A character remarks at the end that he has seen many of the old black and white gaol movies from the US.
There is a calm wisdom in this old saying that impressed me when I heard it first from a monk of a Buddhist monastery in China.
They built a rough shelter from old pieces of wood.
He took a bunch of keys from the pocket of his old corduroy trousers.
Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involves a transfer of resources from the young to the old.
The six-year-old brown dairy cow escaped from her field in the village of Zangberg, 50 miles north-east of Munich, on 24 May.
Among them, the oldest is 21 years old. They are all cousins in a big family and eight of them are from rural areas.
Indeed, unaltered shells of marine invertebrates are known from deposits over 100 million years old.
He tells me he is of your party, and a close friend to the gentleman you spoke of, he is in peril from these old Puritan rulers!
New homes can be built from the stones, bricks and beams of old ones.
Esperanto also has a highly productive system of constructing new words from old ones.
All the millions of tons of waste that go into landfills started as an old pair of slippers, a broken TV set, or a used magazine that came from somebody's house—maybe yours!
Printing with a moveable type on paper dramatically reduced the cost of producing a book compared with the old-fashioned ones handwritten on vellum, which comes from sheepskin.
It's a product he believes could help solve future global food crises resulting from shrinking amounts of land available for growing meat the old-fashioned way.
Clear gutters of old leaves, twigs and other debris and ensure downspouts are away from the house.
Printing with moveable type on paper dramatically reduced the cost of producing a book compared with the old-fashioned ones handwritten on vellum, which comes from sheepskin.
That's an interesting choice of adjective, coming from a man who has spent millions of dollars trying to clone a 13-year-old dog named Missy.
All the millions of tons of waste that go into landfills started as an old pair of slippers, a broken TV set, or a used magazine that came from somebody's house, maybe yours.
According to this line of thought, the verbal abilities that blossom in the two year old allow events to be coded in a form radically different from the action-based codes of the infant.