This method may be preferable to your theme designer because they can control the use of stylesheets directly from the page template file.
The "bridge" role from the broker pattern was then implemented using the template method pattern to support remote service invocation using several different underlying communication technologies.
For example, below we are indicating that we want to scaffold a "List" view template based on the sequence of Product objects we are passing from our action method above.
Add a method called get with return type as the template parameter t from the method (as shown in Figure 4), and an input parameter named index whose type is int.
The template can be bound to a UML method, and is applied when explicitly generating code when Generate code is selected from the context menu, or automatically when Autosync Mode is enabled.
模板可以绑定到UML方法,且当从上下文菜单中选择GenerateCode生成代码时被应用,或当Autosync Mode启用时自动执行。
Listing 2 shows the second method-copying from a template table. For this method, note the following.
The results suggest that this method, though simple, can be used to prepar template for PCR from various cells and tissues without extracting DNA by SDS-phenol-chloroform.
揭示该方法能从各种细胞和组织中制备pcr的模板,而无需用SDS -苯酚-氯仿抽提dna。
This differs from the Template Method pattern in that the abstract superclass doesn't handle workflow.
Firstly in this study, we introduced an effective method -alkaline-heating, for preparing PCR template DNA from Marine plankton.
The method employing support vector machine to segment mouth from face image was presented, and the characteristic parameters were extracted according to the lip template and moving lip feature.
The method employing support vector machine to segment mouth from face image was presented, and the characteristic parameters were extracted according to the lip template and moving lip feature.